Friday, October 24, 2008

Long Week!

So I think I agree with the gamut of everyone else and all of the other blogs I have been reading... It has been a long week!

My week ends with a very bittersweet Pay Day! Pay days are always great right... Well, not when the income between me and my person barely equals out to the bills that the two of us have to pay on a monthly basis. It seems it is gone before you can blink your eyes. It is so sobering when you are happy and thinking about the groceries you can finally buy and plans to actually go out and do things, and then it hits you that between the two of you... All you are going to be doing is staying in the house and avoiding spending any money because you can't afford anything else! Ugh... Why can't it be easier? Why do some people have to suffer so much and watch others spend so carelessly! I often think... wouldn't it be awesome if everyone who made over a million dollars had to find some person in the country who doesn't, and give them some of their money?!?! I think that would be fantastic! And so many more people would be happy! It just makes me so mad, and makes other things in life so complicated. I guess this is a part of growing up and realizing all of these things that are enevitably part of life.

You know... I am reading through this (something I always do about a million times before I actually put it out there) and I do have to realize and remember that we are in the black. We are happy, we have a roof over our heads, food to eat, work to do, and cars that run. We are happy... the majority of the time, when not arguing with each other :-)... we have a gorgeous little kitty, and families that love us. These are all good things that I try to think of when I get down about our income. I'll keep thinking about that to get me through!

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