Saturday, February 13, 2010


I'm still here... Haven't written in a while, however I have been reading (hovering over) all of my favorite blogs! Maybe I've just been short on words lately, I don't know!

I've been putting in long weeks at work lately and slowly coming to the realization that these are now going to be my regular hours. I guess I've been struggling at coming to terms with this because I hate to think that I'm going to be spending my best time at my office instead of at home with my babe and my kids. I've been mentally preparing myself every day that this is now what it will have to be, and maybe that is the reason why I'm so short on words. Maybe it's just because I'm so freaking tired every day. Ugh.

My salvation: Florida in 5 days. Flying into Pensacola, driving to Panama City, spending a few days there, boating back up to Pensacola and spending the remainder of the time there. Yes, I did say boating, and yes, my babe and I will be on a boat for the entire trip! It will be fantastic! The weather will be warmer there than it is here, the sun will hopefully be shining, and the best part of it all, is that I will not have to work!!!!!!!! For 10 days straight!!! I've paid for it this last week and will pay for it on M, T, and W... maybe even tomorrow as I might head to my office to try to get some of the lingering things done...

I'm just spent... I can't wait for this trip and I can't wait to regain some energy and life. I can't wait to spend this time with my babe. We both need it. For ourselves and for our relationship!

I think it is time to start counting down the hours! :-)

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