Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So... Today was a Starbucks kind of day...

I pass a Starbucks on the way to work. Every. Single. Day.

Most days I can avoid temptation by just making some coffee in our office as we have all of the necessary supplies, I have one of my favorite coffee mugs at my desk, and also keep a stock of my favorite creamer in the fridge... But not today!

I don't know why. I don't know if it is certain days over others. However, some days, the decision has just been made in my mind... "I am going to Starbucks today!"

My order:
  • I'll almost always get some oatmeal with dried fruit and brown sugar! I'm addicted to this stuff! Yes, I know that I can make much cheaper, real oatmeal in just about the same time, however theirs is REALLY good! Seriously... if you haven't tried it, and you like oatmeal... Give it a go! :-)
  • Today I branched out... Normally my drink is: a "Grande, Vanilla, Non-fat, no water, Chai Tea" (sometimes with cinnamon powder sprinkled on the top)... And yes, that is the correct way to order it! I've been drinking that, or a version of that since college. Took me months to perfect it!!! For whatever reason, maybe I've gotten it too many times... it just doesn't hit the spot as much anymore, so I've been trying different things. My fail-safe is the hot (or cold - depending on the season) Caramel Macchiato... However I like to try different things to find that perfect favorite that my Chai used to be... So today I got a "Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte!" Sounds great right... I thought so too!! Especially the "skinny" part! Makes you feel like with every sip, you loose some weight! Wouldn't that be lovely... Well, unfortunatly it's not hitting the spot and I'm sure I'm not dropping calories with each sip... 
Oh well... I'm pleased with my oatmeal, I'm getting the caffeine that I need, and one of these days, I will find the perfect drink for me!

What is your favorite Starbucks or coffee drink???

Monday, January 25, 2010


It's freaking cold in our office today!

So something must have happened to the heat in our office over the weekend because I walked into a brisk 61 degrees this morning... WHAT THE SHIT!!!!

I think it has warmed up another degree since I have been here... probably because of the bodies, however with the Wisconsin temps outside, mixed with cool air flowing into our office which is usually set at tropical temps thanks to our office manager who is ALWAYS cold (we're talking even in the summer when she wears a sweater and parka to work), I've really been thrown for a loop this Monday morning...

Please send me some warmth!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Wow I'm happy it's Wednesday...

My weeks at work have been so long lately and I'm about ready to bust! I need some quiet time!!! From one incident to the next complaint to another pile on my desk to another thing on my freaking to-do list... UGH!!!

I haven't been feeling so well lately. Work is just burning me out. Long days with the above to deal with, house that needs cleaning, kids who want to be played with (usually throwing a ball around or some catnip will take care of that right away as my "kids" are our dog and cat), babe that should be getting more attention, and me that shouldn't be so tired and crabby what feels like all the time...

I always try to think positive and think that my weeks aren't always going to be like this, and they aren't... Things slow down for a while starting with a couple days at a time, then a couple weeks, then a couple months, and then HOLY FUCK!!!!! HERE WE ARE PEOPLE!!!!!

We are taking a vacation in February... Headed down to Florida to hang out on a boat for 10 days!!! I've been counting down the days since we booked our flight!! Only 29 days left... Only 29 days left... Only 29 days left!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

MmmmYeah.... Saturday!!

Loving today!!!

This is the first weekend that I have had NOTHING to do in quite some time!!! Not to mention, it is even a long weekend for me. Yes, our company considers Martin Luther King Jr. Day a holiday to have off from work! I'm pretty pumped about this! Now I'm not sure how many companies have this day off, maybe someone can let me in on this bit of info... All I can say is that I'm very happy about adding an extra day to my much needed weekend! It was an EXTREMELY long week for me.

I took a personal day on the 8th from my full time job to go to Chicago for a conference for my part time job. Having that day off work was great, however the entire weekend was jam packed full of stuff (so it really wasn't like I had an actual day off) AND everyone in my full time office was still working. So it's a little bit different when everyone has a collective day off because you know nothing is going to come up or that you might miss something.

Anyway, coming back on Monday was awful... and that awful lasted through Friday. It was a combination of a TON of work - new year and all - and a bunch of meetings that came up suddenly because of an incident. I could barely get any work done until yesterday afternoon. I hate getting paid salary and working well into overtime because after so much extra time, it feels like you are barely making minimum wage for the time you put in... UGH... Moving on and reminding myself that it is the weekend...

Back to Saturday... I love slowly waking up after a great night... :-), stretching myself out of bed like my baby girl, moving slowly towards some coffee, brushing my teeth and washing my face (I love that tingly feeling in the morning), and just being lazy all day! We are planning to head out to a Comedy Club with a friend tonight, which should be fun and then laying low the rest of the weekend! Maybe a budget movie thrown in there somewhere, and a bit of cleaning.

Definitely looking forward to 2 more days of this... and that... ;-)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Giggle Moment

I'm sitting on my couch... computer in my lap... trying to come up with some new business cards for my part time job... and I'm giggling at the way my little girl (my cat) is laying next to me...

Lets see if I can possibly describe this...

I'm sitting next to the edge of my couch with the armrest on my right. Computer in my lap, some big fluffy blankets on the left of me. Chloe is wedged between the blankets and my lap. She is sitting on her butt, almost propped up like she is sitting like a human, however her back legs are pulled straight up in the air. Seriously, it is almost like she has folded herself in half. I don't understand how cats position themselves like this.

Now the funny part is whenever she stretches out. She pushes her legs even farther, straight up into the air! Lol!! I can't even type it without giggling... Not only does she stretch her legs a good 4 inches above her head, but she also stretches her toes out by opening her paws!! As she does this, her whole body quivers like it is the best feeling in the world! I guess I'm pretty sure that when I wake up and stretch in the morning, that is a pretty great feeling! Although... I certainly can't fold myself in half and stretch my legs a good 4 inches above my head...

I feel like I'm missing out on something here... :-)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Yay for Comments and Yay for Followers!!!

So I think there comes a time in every bloggers life when they just get excited about moving forward in the blogging world.

I think I have hit that first point in my life!!!

As corny as it sounds, I'm now super excited about the fact that I have 6 - YES 6 - followers!!!! AND... I'm getting more and more comments with every post!!

Call me corny... But I'm excited!!!! :-)

Have a good night everyone... I'm off to make spaghetti for my babe (because I love her, and she loves spaghetti; and also because she was super sweet and got me a rose after my awful work day... Look for a later post... )


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

MacBook Pro

Okay... So since my post about my goals for this year, I've become a bit obsessed about this MacBook Pro. Is it bad that I want to go to Best Buy, like now, just go apply for a credit card and get it?? My boss at work just got a laptop from there and she said that there is a deal right now that you can sign up for a card, get whatever you need to get (obviously dependant on the credit level that you are allowed), and there is no interest and no payments for 18 months!

Is this just totally bad... I seriously think that this is the thought process that gets people into thousands and thousands of dollars in debt... This is totally bad!

Justification time...
I really don't have a lot of debt, I mean yes, I have college loans I'm paying off, a few bills here and there, however nothing too overwhelming that is putting me under each month. I have a part time job that has the potential to make me a lot of extra cash (part time job = lia sophia: a company that sells jewelry - like Mary Kay make-up... only jewelry). I also have a 2nd part time bartending job that I will be getting some shifts for coming up in Feb/Mar. I do make a decent salary at my full time job that is sufficient for our needs... Not an awesome salary... but decent. I really am not a big shopper... I don't go to the mall or stores left and right, get a bunch of credit cards and go wild. My worst shopping habit is at Barnes and Noble, and I hardly ever go there anymore because I know it is my temptation and I avoid it! I don't even have a major credit card yet... Yes I am 25 and I probably should to boost my credit up a little bit, however on the positive side, I don't have any bills like that to pay off...

The computer that I have currently is a desktop. I got it about 7 years ago when I started school. It has lasted me that long and has been a great computer, however it needs some cleaning out because it is a bit older. We mostly use my babe's laptop, however hers could use a good cleaning too and I actually feel kind of bad putting all my shit on it all the time. I'm just feeling like it's time for me to upgrade and I have always wanted a laptop. I don't do that very often! I don't have any new flat-screen TV's, I have a first generation iPod that I probably could have updated about 4 times now, however I'm cool with the original... We don't have much for gadgets and aren't serial spenders by any definition. I don't know, I just feel like it's time to spoil myself a little!!


**My Baby**