So... Today was a Starbucks kind of day...
I pass a Starbucks on the way to work. Every. Single. Day.
Most days I can avoid temptation by just making some coffee in our office as we have all of the necessary supplies, I have one of my favorite coffee mugs at my desk, and also keep a stock of my favorite creamer in the fridge... But not today!
I don't know why. I don't know if it is certain days over others. However, some days, the decision has just been made in my mind... "I am going to Starbucks today!"
My order:
- I'll almost always get some oatmeal with dried fruit and brown sugar! I'm addicted to this stuff! Yes, I know that I can make much cheaper, real oatmeal in just about the same time, however theirs is REALLY good! Seriously... if you haven't tried it, and you like oatmeal... Give it a go! :-)
- Today I branched out... Normally my drink is: a "Grande, Vanilla, Non-fat, no water, Chai Tea" (sometimes with cinnamon powder sprinkled on the top)... And yes, that is the correct way to order it! I've been drinking that, or a version of that since college. Took me months to perfect it!!! For whatever reason, maybe I've gotten it too many times... it just doesn't hit the spot as much anymore, so I've been trying different things. My fail-safe is the hot (or cold - depending on the season) Caramel Macchiato... However I like to try different things to find that perfect favorite that my Chai used to be... So today I got a "Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte!" Sounds great right... I thought so too!! Especially the "skinny" part! Makes you feel like with every sip, you loose some weight! Wouldn't that be lovely... Well, unfortunatly it's not hitting the spot and I'm sure I'm not dropping calories with each sip...
Oh well... I'm pleased with my oatmeal, I'm getting the caffeine that I need, and one of these days, I will find the perfect drink for me!
What is your favorite Starbucks or coffee drink???
I hate starbucks. LOL
I'm a blinkin' blonuts kinda girl. ;)
My favorite drink there is a french vanilla coffee coolatta. But for 40 bajillion calories, I never have them anywmore. :(
hi! :)
Ok, how can you make a Chai Tea with no water? Just milk? I don't go to Starbucks because I haven't figured out how to order there! I like a Dunkin medium half caf with milk and sugar. Yummy.
Tina... Hi!!! :-)
CJ... You got it right!! Only milk!! Makes it a little richer!!
To Both: No Dunkin Donuts anywhere close to here... Our options: Starbucks, Jo to Go, and yep... I think that is pretty much it!
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