Sunday, October 12, 2008

How Amazing!

It is incredible to me that slowly but surely, equal marriage rights are coming around. I look at pictures, and am so happy for those people in Mass., Cali. (even though there are tough times ahead), and now Conn.!!!! It makes me feel like there is at least a little bit of progress in this country.

My babe and I went to a movie yesterday, and saw a preview for a move about George W. I couldn't believe it. It was disgusting to me that someone would want to make a movie about that fool! Needless to say, it made me feel pretty sick.

Since we have gotten engaged a few months ago... I have always kind of thought about where and when I would like to get married. Even considering going to Canada. Now I feel like by the time we are ready to start making plans (still quite a bit down the road), we will have more options to choose from. I am already a Cali lover at heart. I lived there with some family a few years ago and absolutely fell in love with it there. So in my mind, I would have liked to get married there whether it be with her or in any relationship. I'm excited to plan with her or look at wedding magazines and get a few ideas, even though my tastes will probably change come the actual decision making time. But it is still neat to think about the possibilites. And those possibilites seem to be coming around more and more lately!

Congratulations again to everyone in Conn!!!!


Butch Boo said...

Us in little old UK are rooting for you all



DawgDyke said...

The stubborn us-of-a ... We Canadians support!